Los Angeles Investment Club, Real Estate Blog

How To Get Financial Independence

Posted by Dario Montes de Oca

Jul 7, 2014 9:06:24 PM

Financial independence isn’t the same thing as being rich, it means that you have more than enough money for your situation. That amount could be different depending on who you are, where you live and what your circumstances are, but the main thing is that money doesn’t run your life and it’s a tool to get things done that holds no worries or fears that you won’t have enough to do it.

Some people believe that if they can become rich, then they will automatically be financially independent, but this is not the case. There is a big difference between being rich and being financially free and that is something that some people never learn.

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Topics: Financial Independence

Financial Freedom 101

Posted by Daniel Nase, MBA

Jun 17, 2014 5:23:00 PM

Financial Freedom:

Our everyday lives are dominated by the quest to be happy and not suffer. We strive every day to fulfill our needs through knowledge and trial and error often forgetting that wisdom is the real solution. Sometime we wonder is it even possible to achieve freedom? To many of us, financial independence might look like an impossible dream or something that only the very wealthy can achieve. Let me break it to you, you can be financially free! Financial independence exists everywhere in different industries, different locations, and with different kinds of people. There is no set rule that you have to think or act a certain way except that most people had to work hard for it. Sometimes that means dusting yourself off and learning from your mistakes, or getting an education either by working for someone more successful or going back to get a master's degree. 

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Topics: Financial Independence, Financial Freedom

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